Specializing in Orofacial Myology


Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist is a specialized exercise program for the muscles around your face, mouth, and tongue. These exercises are designed to improve issues with talking, eating, or breathing

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders

Orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs) are abnormal patterns of movement in the mouth and face that can affect the development and function of orofacial structures. OMDs can impact children, adolescents, and adults and may be caused by a combination of factors.

Environmental Factors

Habits such as thumb sucking, prolonged pacifier use, or mouth breathing can contribute to OMDs.

Structural Abnormalities

Conditions like tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) or high-arched palate can lead to OMDs.

Neurological Conditions

Neuromuscular disorders can affect muscle function and coordination in the orofacial region.

Poor Oral Habits

Misuse of the orofacial muscles during activities such as chewing, swallowing, and speaking can lead to OMDs.

Program designed for you

What Does Myofunctional Therapy Involve?

Consider myofunctional therapy as physical therapy for the tongue, lips, and facial muscles. The process begins with a comprehensive evaluation of your health history and the current use of your orofacial muscles. This assessment identifies muscle tone, restrictions, and compensations.

Based on the evaluation, a personalized exercise program is designed to support and enhance muscle function.

The therapy typically involves a series of 12 sessions, scheduled every 2-3 weeks. Each session lasts 30-45 minutes and can be conducted via telehealth/Zoom calls. During these sessions, exercises are reviewed, and new ones are introduced as needed to achieve the four primary goals of the therapy.


About Sara
have been practicing as a dental hygienist for over 20 years. Education and work experiences made me a fixer. I saw how to fix decay, gingival infections, and broken teeth. But, in the back of my head, I was always asking: Why is it happening? What is the common factor in contributing to these concerns? EXCLUSIVE NASAL BREATHING And my journey began. Learning about orofacial muscles, the relationship they have to anatomical function and dysfunction. How they relate to overall health. I have chosen to be more than a “teeth cleaner”. My goal is to support a person’s journey in identifying the pieces of their health puzzle.

Experiance & Educaton

  • Bachelor of Science, RDH, University of Rhode Island
  • International Association of Orofacial Myology Certified
  • Affiliated with Airway Health Solutions
  • Buteyko Breathing Certified
  • MyoMunchee Specialist
  • MyoMentor Certified
  • MyoCircle Certified

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